I noticed that my June calendar is nearly filled out. Already. Hmm, this is different. I mean, it is the birthday month and all, but a few empty spaces wouldn't hurt! And here I go again, teetering on the see-saw that won't let me decide whether I most enjoy being lolling-on-the-couch jobless, or can't-catch-a-breath busy. Methinks it'd be nice to have someone to balance it out, for a change.
I've been catching up with the Blogosphere today, being one of the few days in the past couple of weeks that I haven't had to venture out. It's strange how all of us, and you all know who I mean, were crazy about our blogs three years ago and couldn't wait to tell the world what we'd been up to, and now we have ever so many posts beginning or ending with the "I'll be more regular" promise. The archive betrays the steady exponential decrease and makes me wonder why we've made ourselves too busy to stop and
The Eco Festival turn

But the best part of the two days was easily the dance workshop, which turned into a volunteers' party as they found the perfect legal way of neglecting their duties for two hours. Jumping around, chasing each other across the room and pretending it was all dance was no mean feat. And the partner exercises were annoying because you had to fall on your partner and owing to my (misleading) tiny appearance, no one wanted to fall on me. After a lot of persuasion I convinced the partner, and no, I did NOT let him (fall) down. So there.

The fest was rounded off by an enchanting little puppet-theatre performance called "The Little Blue Planet", which was unlike any of those street puppet shows I've seen as a kid. I think the adults enjoyed it more than the children did, judging from all the hooting that ensued when it ended, and the (volunteers') crazy rush to shake hands with the puppet. Ah well, it brought out the child in all of us, I suppose.
All in all, I'm glad I didn't turn around despite the zillion times I was sorely tempted to.
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