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Hello, I'm Kriti. I started blogging the summer after I graduated from high school in 2007, when everything felt super uncertain for the first time, and also I was bored. This is my longest enduring project, and it's also a documentation of many aspects of my life over the last 14 years. It's a corner of the internet I feel I can truly call mine. 

From the time I decided to major in English literature, through my experiments with photography, moving to London to study anthropology, my travels, my career as an arts and culture editor and writer – my blog (in a few different renditions) has seen it all. It also houses a lot of my professional work which has since vanished into a void due to publications becoming defunct. I'm still updating the archives to include a more complete picture of my writing life. Read more about my blogging journey here, and sign up to receive new posts in your inbox here.

Since 2021, I work independently, running a one-woman writing, editing and mentoring business. If anything on my blog resonates with you, and you need someone to help with any of these services, you can learn more on my website.

For guidance or feedback on your own writing, try my one-on-one mentorships and consultations here.

If you need someone to create or discuss content for your website, check out my brainstorming sessions, website content packages and blog bundles here.

I also offer editing and writing services, as well as free resources, guides and planners.
